Two girls so beautiful bliss magazine cover

American Girls magazine

Two girls so beautiful bliss magazine cover

Who would not want to be famous cover of a magazine? Can come famous and of course many are profitable. Seventeen, Cosmo, Cosmopolitan and many more world famous magazines that often use models or artist to put into the cover.

in line

cant map reality
the light is pure green
im so alive
got nine fool eyes
i feel my mind
it shoots out
turning fine
feelings aside everything is in line

thanks to sweet Marylyn for her interest!
love to you bunnies

i wear: cardi: vintage/ebay, dress: vintage/ebay, tights: topshop, cape: h&m/ebay

i learned to not eat the snow

yes, i am still contemplative but mommy is also fiiine. good news.
also i get a little deflection by blowing my nose exactly every 3,5 minutes. pure therapy.
and yeah, this jacket raised my spirits too. thanks&love to nikio& for this rad little number!

bunnies, i sincerly want to apologize for my current lateness uhm on everything.
i am working on it. promise.

i am wearing: jacket:, denim shirt, scarf: zara, cardi: f21, shiny peach leggings: american apparel, belt: h&m, bag: asos

Appear in fashion magazines with bikini

sexy Japanese girls Pictures

Appear in fashion magazines with bikini
Bikini girl dressed up to be a model for the cover of a fashion magazine. Beautiful face and her smile makes me wonder. It is also a good pose, seems already familiar with the camera shots. Barbie dress up like that much favored by the men. A little girls dressed in bikini underwear is a demand scenario of the magazine that will contain pictures.

imaginary polish

ok, in fact i am not the most productive kid on the block these days.
please overlook my lazyasskittenselfness.
there are just so many things on my mind, i cant channel those thoughts properly yet.
so i make little lists. is a stunning motherfucker.
2.we are all nuts-without exceptions.
3.someone has to buy juice.

4.definitely not me.

i got a few questions regarding the dresses in the last post.i found a cool analog one at queenswardrobe if you are still interested dolls.

keep it up kiddos.
i think of you.

i wear: thanks to babooshkaboutique for the shirt!,dress: american apparel, thights: topshop+h&m, boots: topshop
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